Meiji Chocolate Factory

巧克力的历史可以追溯到公元前2000年。据推算最早种植可可树(其果实 为可可豆,是制造巧克力的核心原料)的是居住于墨西哥东南部的,有着高度文明的古印第安人—奥尔梅克人(Olmec)。之后, 玛雅文明进入了中美洲。玛雅人将可可豆研碎成浆状, 并用其做成带苦味和泡泡的巧克力饮品。该时期的巧克力价格不菲, 通常只有王室贵胄才有钱享用。
Price: RMB6000 for up to 10 people
RMB400 per additional person
(Including guide fee, entrance fee and transport)
For a group of more than 40 people, please contact us for larger group offer
Program is 4hrs. Guide will meet you at your hotel. Kindly note, food cost is not included in this price (these costs are usually minimal), it makes the tour more flexible and you can get the chance to try different kind of genuine Chinese food. Our guides are always happy to recommend. Note that the guide will join you for meals and we ask that you pay for the guide.

To book the program, we do request a small deposit of USD50 (RMB300) per program via PayPal. This deposit will apply toward the program charges and you could pay the remaining balance on the day of the program. You could directly pay USD50 as deposit by clicking "Buy Now" button: